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SJHT AOY Champ 2023
Jackson Fu
SJHT Rookie AOY Champ 2023
SJHT Bass Classic Champ 2023
Jackson Fu
SJHT 2023 Records

# of Tournaments won
Jackson Fu- 5

2023 Heaviest 3 Fish Limit- NorthEast River
Jackson Fu - 10.88lbs.

2023 Lunker- Rainbow Lake
Mike Del Monico 5.67lbs.

Heaviest Weight in 2023
Jackson Fu- 88.30 lbs.

Most Fish Caught in 2023
Jackson Fu- 39

Most Tournaments Fished in 2023- Ironman
ALL 17 Tournaments Jiggen Den

2023 Classic Winner
Jackson Fu 6 Bass totalling 17.73lbs.

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2023 SJHT Bass Classic participants

2023 SJHT Bass Classic Anglers final Day at Salem Canal 10-01-23
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2012 BASS Federation and NJ
Chapter affiliation information.

Guys just an update from my last posting regarding SJHT and affiliating with the NJ BASS Federation.

On Sat. Dec. 17, 2011, I spoke with John Radminski (current NJ Bass Federation President) and he provided a little insight on what exactly needs to occur for those wishing to fish the upcoming NJ Bass Federation Trail.

* A sponsoring club (i.e. SJHT) must have a minimum of 6 anglers willing to participate\Join the National BASS Organization. If you are a current member, then Great! If not, then you'll need to contact
1-877-BASS-USA to sign up\register.
-He or she must sign up and pay $30.00 directly to BASS.
* Once signed up and you have your ID#, that information along with the angler's name is then provided to the NJ Chapter of the Bass Federation. Each angler must then pay $10 which goes towards the NJ Bass Federation chapter. The sponsoring club would have to pay $50 for the minimum 6 anglers wanting to participate in that season's trail.
* The $10 registration fee is for both boaters and Non-Boaters. (I would suggest for those interested submitting the information to myself and then making 1 lump some payment) I.e. The $50.00 plus each anglers $10 payment.
* This would in fact allow those wanting to fish that trail a possibility.
* Boaters must have at least a 17'~18' size Bass Boat
* Anglers recieve 12 Participation Points (2 PTs) per team.
* For the 2012 Season-The below Lakes are scheduled
- The Flats out of NorthEast River, MD

- The Potomoc River

-Lake Hopatcong

- GreenWood Lake

- Delaware River

4 out of 5 of these Events will count towards fielding a NJ State Team
*Boaters and Non-Boaters are independtely responsible for paying for each Tournament Entry Fees, Cost associated with Fuel, to and from Tournaments, and any miscellaneous expenses that may arise. That is soley between the Boater and Non-boater participating on that given day event.

The NJ Bass Federation will be hosting a formal meeting on Thursday, Jan. 05, 2012 at the Rt. 130 North Sportsmen's Center from 7:30pm to 9:00pm
* John Radminski- President, NJ Bass Federation 732-330-9300
Will be there to answer your questions if you have any and layout the 2012 Tournament Trail framework.

I Highly recommend those interested and are new to fishing the NJ Bass Fed Tournament Trail attend, as this will be the time where most of your pertinent questions are answered.

Note: Unless there is more interest from SJHT members, then puttiing up the $50.00 is not an option. One should take into account the cost associated with possibly Pre-Fishing, Hotel accomodations, fuel cost, and possible boat launch fees when contemplating these events.

Mark Your Calenders,
Edited by BigNasty06 on 12/21/2011
BN06, President
im inthumbup
Kyle wrote:
im inthumbup

Me too!
Do we have 6 members?
You don't have to be a boater...
BUT I'm going to join as a boater...
I would really like to do this, but I think I should work on a top 3 SJHT finish before I start investing in this TX trail. Sorry, I'm just not there yet.

My question is this though, can someoneone be one of the six members and not fish the TXs? If so, I would be more than happy to be included in the six, pay my membership fees for the benefit of getting our club in the Fed Nation if needed. Just because I am not fully confident in my ability to compete in these TXs this year, doesn't mean I don't want something to work towards.
ram1212 wrote:
I would really like to do this, but I think I should work on a top 3 SJHT finish before I start investing in this TX trail. Sorry, I'm just not there yet.

My question is this though, can someoneone be one of the six members and not fish the TXs? If so, I would be more than happy to be included in the six, pay my membership fees for the benefit of getting our club in the Fed Nation if needed. Just because I am not fully confident in my ability to compete in these TXs this year, doesn't mean I don't want something to work towards.

One you apply and sign up with BASS, get your ID#, and we (SJHT) recieve a total of 6 or more anglers willing to join the NJ Federation as a boater or rider, you can fish the tournaments you want to fish. John Radaminski did state that he would like for Fed members to fish at least in 2 of the stated tournaments. The last thing anyone wants is to come out and there be less than a half a field of anglers.

Whether one is a boater or rider, he or she selects which NJ Fed Nation tournaments they wish to fish. So to answer your question... Yes. You can be apart of the initial 6 anglers and choose not to fish. If one looks at last years final NJ Bass Federation Total Point standings, you did have a couple of anglers that did not fish a tournament, but then I thought the real purpose of joining was to give an alternate to those wanted to fish bigger bodies of water and maybe learning a thing or two?

Outside of those who have shown some interest in the above post, I thought there would be more interest from those at least want4ing to go as riders.

Note: The upcoming January meeting at the Sportsmens Club would be a good time to ask further questions.

Just saying,
BN06, President
Got ya BN. I was offering to be in the six if needed. It would suck if 5 guys wanted in and couldn't because of the last person.

I think it would be beneficial to the club if we had some members fishing these larger bodies/TXs because we do pick things up from each other. So if some of our guys are learning in these bigger TXs, hopefully some of that will trickle down to the rest of the club making us all better.

The Sportsman Center is only 15-20 minutes from my house. If you guys would like me to attend to gather some notes, I can do that. I know it is a bit far for you guys so just let me know.
I wish I had a bigger boat and more time, Id love to give it a shot as well.
ram1212 wrote:
I would really like to do this, but I think I should work on a top 3 SJHT finish before I start investing in this TX trail. Sorry, I'm just not there yet.

My question is this though, can someoneone be one of the six members and not fish the TXs? If so, I would be more than happy to be included in the six, pay my membership fees for the benefit of getting our club in the Fed Nation if needed. Just because I am not fully confident in my ability to compete in these TXs this year, doesn't mean I don't want something to work towards.
hey rob, u could just join as a non boater if u do not want to invest alot of time or money into this tx trail. fishing as a non boater/rider is probably the best way to learn about fishing these bigger bodies of water. either way, u are always welcome to fish off my boat.
Edited by Kyle on 12/29/2011
Anyone interested in going up to Bordentown with me on Thurs. night? For the fed meeting!
I will come with you if you still are going. I will pay for gas. Give me a call on my cell.
Some crazy talk over at BassNJ i just got caught up with. What did you guys think of the meeting/affiliation?
ram1212 wrote:
Some crazy talk over at BassNJ i just got caught up with. What did you guys think of the meeting/affiliation?

I went to last nights meeting and the Cliff Notes version is that the NJ Bass Fed Nation is going through some internal and even maybe external changes within there leadership. As an outsider looking in, (with no previous association\History) with there exec. board and member clubs, I somewhat felt a little puzzled as to why certain things were not dealt with in the past. There were no formal introductions of existing officers, No sign in sheet for those attending last night (i.e. Minutes to the meeting), No set agenda or order in which things were to proceed, and lack of holding ones thoughts till the person on the floor had finished speaking. I was a bit like WTF!!!

I have said in the past and I will contine to say in the future,.....It's the Members that make up the Club\Organization not any particular one individual. The Club goes as the members would like for it to go. Last night, I got the sense that the current President, John Radaminski was very overwhelmed at the lack of Member club and even Exec. Members Participation in past years Tournament Trails. Whether that involved notifying anglers of pairings, Time changes in the Start of Tournaments, having enough boaters for the riders, having completed\active Email address contacts, or just general meetings to discuss Old\New Business, I found that John was really lacking in that area. Having spoke to him about 3 weeks ago over the phone, he did share with me that "He could not do it all nor wanted all of it on his shoulders" and that "Others" needed to step up to the plate and do there assigned jobs.

Many of you guys here have been around Tournament Trails where it's ran smoothly from beginning to end. From Registration, going over the rules\restricted fishing areas, to properly driving your vehicles up to the weigh in station, and then in the end getting your Winners Stipend or whatever place one finishes. LOL!!! clap Well, the NJ Bass Fed Nation has a designated Trailer which needs to be trailered to and from the various tournament locations. Someone has to be in charge of setting it up and breaking it down. Not too mention conducting the weigh in with possibly over 60 or so anglers.

Bottom Line: There's alot that goes into being the President of the NJ Bass Federation and really for any organization. Your name, your club, and your arse is on the line if and when something comes up.

With any type of well tooled machine, there has to be some type of structure for members to follow along and agree to maybe disagree!!! yayyy

There were existing members that were nominated to certain Open positions and at nexts month meeting, they will be voted upon. As that process unfolds hopefully some of the ideas presented last night will become apart of there Bi-Laws.

My take on last nights meeting is purely subjective. One can come up with there own feelings\ambitions towards participating or not. I do think the NJ Bass Fed Nation has the good of it's members at heart. Not really knowing the prior history as how they've gotten to this point, I believe it's headed in the right direction. It takes more than 1 person to achieve greatness. It takes a group of dedicated individuals for all the pieces to come together.

I gave my contact information for SJHT possibly joining the Fed Nation. I know we have at least 3-4 Boaters interested and a couple of Riders. If that number is not above the mandatory 6 man minimum, then all of my research, travels (to and from) meetings are moot.

For those SJHT members that are interested:
Whether as a Boater or Rider, How many have actually already gone and registered with BASS? and recieved there ID#?

I know Bama already has his Life-Time membership along wiith ID#. How many others?

Like anything in life and not to beat around the bush, whether one fishes all of the NJ Bass Fed Nation Tournaments or just one, they stilll need to be registered with the Parent Organization BASS before they can even be considered joing the NJ Bass Fed Nation Chapter.

Side Note: An official 2012 SJHT Club meeting is in the process of being scheduled for sometime in February 2012. Like in the past, It will be more of a meet and greet type affair, reviewing rules\regulations, Q&S session, along with meeting club officials and possibly voting on some New topics\Officers. I hope to speak with Big Al and secure our previous location (i.e. The Voorhees NJ Firehall) for our mandatory meeting. keep an eye out for the Time and Date.

That's all for now,
Edited by BigNasty06 on 01/06/2012
BN06, President
Thanks for attending and the cliff notes BN. That is a bit disappointing that things are that unorganized in the current state. I hope they are able to right the ship.

I'm looking forward to our meeting in February. You always know we're getting close when that meeting comes around.
so whats the deal.... do we have enough people interested to sign up? lets get a head count of people that want to join the NJ Bass Federation as a boater or non-boater:

1) Kyle- boater
Edited by Kyle on 01/08/2012
I am in boater if i get my steering and motor fixed this winter non boater if not either way i an in
I'm in if we get the needed members!hi

I think this what Kyle ment by head count:
1) Kyle- boater
2) Bama - boater/non boater
3) Jimbo - boater
jimbo wrote:
I'm in if we get the needed members!hi

I think this what Kyle ment by head count:
1) Kyle- boater
2) Bama - boater/non boater
3) Jimbo - boater
4) BN06- Rider

To help fill the req. of min. of 6 anglers, I would be willing to sign up as Rider. I know personally, I would only make a couple of T's.

Bob..when signing up with the NJ Bass Fed Nation, It's one or the other. One has to declare in the beginning Boater or Non-Boater. These are the rules.

I'll scan and post what I have a bit later today as an attachment.

BN06, President
1) Kyle- boater
2) Bama - boater/non boater
3) Jimbo - boater
4) BN06- non boater
5) Chris (big show)- non boater

just need 1 more. i'm going to talk to my little brother (kerry) tonight?
Edited by Kyle on 01/09/2012
BigNasty06 wrote:
jimbo wrote:
I'm in if we get the needed members!hi

I think this what Kyle ment by head count:
1) Kyle- boater
2) Bama - boater/non boater
3) Jimbo - boater
4) BN06- Rider

To help fill the req. of min. of 6 anglers, I would be willing to sign up as Rider. I know personally, I would only make a couple of T's.

Bob..when signing up with the NJ Bass Fed Nation, It's one or the other. One has to declare in the beginning Boater or Non-Boater. These are the rules.

I'll scan and post what I have a bit later today as an attachment.


I know, what I was trying to say if I get the boat fixed I could go as a boater if not I would be a rider, when is the deadline to know. No matter what I am in.
Kyle wrote:
1) Kyle- boater
2) Bama - boater/non boater
3) Jimbo - boater
4) BN06- non boater
5) Chris (big show)- non boater

just need 1 more. i'm going to talk to my little brother (kerry) tonight?

I am in just non boater to be safe
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Dennis *Jiggen Den* Tolentino with 2 Bass weighing a Total 6.04lbs
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1. Dennis Tolentino
2. Pete Ingemi
3. Jackson Fu
4. Rob Masterson
5. David Snedeker
6. Mike Del Monico

Mike *The Bass SLAYER* Del Monico

1. Jeff Zeitz

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05/30/2024 10:33
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